Linda See
{K:1672} 4/12/2005
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 5/10/2004
this needs to be an ad somewhere. I love it. Very artistic.
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 4/8/2004
Jeg bestiller Deres hårprodukter
Daniel Knutsen
{K:3871} 1/16/2004
Excellent!!! I really love the whay the hair flow!!! Cool!
Rocco T
{K:4130} 1/15/2004
Excellent work,..perfect!!!!
mustafa ilker helvacioglu
{K:3825} 1/15/2004
one more great portrait. very very well one Toini. congratulations. MUSTAFA
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 1/14/2004
Beautiful one...very nice toning and i loved the general idea
Fahd Siddiqui
{K:316} 1/14/2004
\/\/ O \/\/ Thats great! it has a nice grainy effect. I love the photo!
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 1/13/2004
beautiful ......... !
Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 1/13/2004
Excellent Composition, Great Shot
Best Regards Raymund
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 1/12/2004
my princess of the darkest day don't look away :)
Monty Emken (Ostracon X)
{K:4804} 1/12/2004
Nicely composed Toini! Well done. Grain effect is very nice and movement is wonderful!
Robyn P
{K:783} 1/12/2004
Love the grain, the muted colors, the beauty of the model... Very Nice!!!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/12/2004
nice work.. roby
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/12/2004
So beautiful Toini, I just love it to bits Cherie
Stian Wiik
{K:1516} 1/12/2004
Excellent!!! Crop a bit from top maybe? Very cool!
Eli Lund
{K:65} 1/12/2004
Hei Toini! Takk for kommentaren. Artig å møte noen norske her. Ja, det er sikkert mange av dem. Nå har jeg sett på så mange bilder at jeg er helt kvalm. For mye av det gode er ikke bra gitt. Når det gjelder dette bildet her, er det som vanlig herlig fra deg. Jeg siterer Simple Minds og sier "She's a River", ja det var det jeg tenkte da jeg så dette bildet. (Bildet er forresten bedre en den sangen, da)
lisa .
{K:9370} 1/12/2004
toini, as i said a powdery grain...............beautiful comp and colours.........great pic and work!!! (beauitiful model of course)
{K:8771} 1/12/2004
it getss attention!! I like that it's possible to see a bit of eye! very interesting portrait
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 1/12/2004
Excellent! I like a lot. regards, Tommaso