Have you ever had one of those days? When everything inside wants to come out but you don't know where the door is to open up all the messiness and let it all flood out in a flood of emotions that will make you feel all better just because it does? And then, if you can even find the damn door you don?t know if you have key to open it. What if you do have a key but it doesn?t fit the lock or you do have a key and it does fit but it?s on key ring with a thousand other keys that look and feel and jingle just like it? And even if it all comes together like a perfect puzzle you have to wonder what will come out when you unlock what you have never ever shown anyone before. Everything that?s ever been unshared and the things you?re too scared to talk about because people might not like you anymore. Because it?s hard and unthinkable to believe because you never complain or give any hint of something being really really wrong and it would mess up everything for everyone else because they might worry and say something to the wrong person and then you?d be screwed. Everything is supposed to be perfect for you but it?s just not. It?s not anything but a searing angry scream looking for a voice to voice what it needs to say. But I don?t know how to let it out. Do you?