Roy V
{K:13082} 1/29/2004
Marília, Original and very beautiful! Great work, Roy
Tom Pokusa
{K:586} 1/13/2004
This is a great photo. I love the compositon and colors. Is it a composite or as-taken. Either way, its a great photo, but you would only have a fraction of a second to capture it so perfectly.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 1/3/2004
I like it too, the tones and the grains are effective...
marília campos
{K:517} 1/3/2004
the first time it was in 2002. usefilm didn't use to have so many members or critiques:) thank you:)
Mattias Eklund
{K:2921} 1/3/2004
Interesting that you got (sofar) 98 wievs on the first time around, and only 2 comments. This time its 25 wievs and 8 comments.. Things works in mysterious ways sometimes.
Love it btw.. Regards, M
c c
{K:13449} 1/3/2004
I am so glad you re-posted this photograph--as I missed it the first time around. I love the composition--I feel as if the sea gull is headed home--I get a real warm feeling from this -- the tone and lighting makes this a true winner! Great Job, Charisse
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 1/3/2004
Very nice!!
Gianluca G
{K:2004} 1/3/2004
A classic shot but a wonderful one indeed!
marília campos
{K:517} 1/3/2004
thank you:)
Ramiro Pérez Funes
{K:120} 1/3/2004
I realy like this composition.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 1/3/2004
no journey's end to nowhere land :)
Mr. Arrey
{K:11516} 1/3/2004
Nice capture!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/3/2004
Superb image! And you are absolutely right about the composition. Superb, Superb, Superb. Great grain too. My compliments.... To my favourites!