Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 2/24/2006
Nice angle perspective so nice and the compo in the fog is beautiful dear Paul. cheers joćo
Alan Armanini
{K:5407} 2/16/2004
Great Capture, Love the Fog, Beautiful Picture!!
Tommaso Razzano
{K:8073} 1/4/2004
Excellent overall ! By the first time... I think that it is a B&W shot... but then I see the green ... I like this contrast... ciao ! Tommaso.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 1/3/2004
Good ligth. Bye
Sara M
{K:12411} 1/2/2004
Beautiful light.. and it's very nicely composed.. :)
Aleksandar Lazarevski
{K:1285} 1/2/2004
Excellent shot! I love it! Great mood and dramatic at the same time. Congratulations! Regards, Aleksandar.
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 1/2/2004
Great mood, very well composed. Well done! Regards from Buenos Aires
Paul Ragone
{K:1331} 1/2/2004
Wow, great atmosphere Paul. Beautiful composition, lighting and color. Very nicely done. Paul