Ahmed Y.Shahin
{K:173} 4/13/2003
Well, I really found it very touchy pic, it brought me back when I was 15, in Port Said, walking alone along the sea, assuming that I am thinking of my life, and how to solve my problems, you know, it was that time when we were thinking that we really are having trouble, like which new hair style to choose or what branch to choose in high school or even to find a work in summer which convinces our parents to allow us to work, and that it is something suitable for us. If I was told then by someone that I would be looking back after 17 years on this minute and laugh so much, and consider all this as a joke, I would not have certainly believed him! The pic is really of that type which makes me look for a very long time at it, it reminds me of funny, cool, yet somehow sad memories, most probably not sad because of the memories themselves, but because of missing the good side of them! I want to add that I feel it is a "warm" pic, and it is an expression of mine which I use sometimes for things which, when seeing or living through them, I really feel like wanting to have a deep breath, relax and close my eyes, wishing I will be a part of this place forever , like the shoreside and bangaloos of "Dahab", the Versay Palace outside "Paris", London Bridge with the scene on the Thames at sunset, small side streets with small passages and villas in "Masr elgedeida", and "Demashk street" in "Elmaady", a quiet nice modern contryside of Cairo, when you cross the railway line with Almaady club to the left side and pass besides the villa on the right corner, with the anonymous dark blue Porshe in front of it, its beautiful style, and lovely plants inside...that you make you feel like wanting to be just a tune in this whole song, a scene in this beautiful nature drawing, or a plant which never leaves this moment of paradise...If you dont understand a word of what I am saying, do not worry,... you are not alone in this world ;)
Rachelle Biggs
{K:628} 4/8/2003
Beautifully saturated, eye-catching bright red to the blue/green of the water. I also like the perspective, creating the feeling of movement. Great shot!
Guy Tem
{K:747} 4/5/2003
Very nice shot, I'm sure it looks better that it looks on my monitor, you can try adding some more saturation in photoshop. I wonder how it'd look like without the two thin ropes and the poles on board. Very nice shot best regards.
Bikas Das
{K:6544} 3/31/2003
Tilted and colorful boat establishes your originality, nice vibrant colors.
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 3/31/2003
Stunning view and capture, Aiman.
Mike Marcotte
{K:3948} 3/31/2003
That's a great photo. I really like the contrasting colors. Could've sworn I saw the bow move in the wind.
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 3/31/2003
Congrats to the photographer of the day, 31st March 2003
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 3/31/2003
Very well done. Love the contrast of colors. Great composition. Don
JoydipSuchandra Kundu
{K:582} 3/31/2003
Beautiful colour, a feast for the eyes !
Suvomoy Mitra
{K:8369} 3/31/2003
A feast for the eyes in every sense, so engrossing...even the slight tilt, wish I was in the boat...front seat!
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 3/31/2003
Exactly what I love...Outstanding...Strong composition..!
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 11/20/2002
Excellent angled composition and wonderful colors.
Cemal Ekin
{K:2309} 11/20/2002
Excellent color and composition. There is an interesting effect created by the positioning of the elements and the strong diagonal lines. Although tightly anchored, the boat seems to move at once towards the upper left corner and towards the island straight ahead, as if drifting a bit sideways like a crab. As I stare at it, I almost see the boat bobbing and moving like the needle of a compas. Strong diagonal tension creates a very good photograph.
Maarten Venter
{K:885} 11/17/2002
Beautiful picture, Aiman. Looking forward to seeing more.
Christian Gennert
{K:964} 11/17/2002
Cool composition, nice texture and good saturation. Keep it up Aiman!
Adam E. J. Squier
{K:9803} 11/17/2002
The angles, bright colors, and movement really make the image. Bold, simple lines along with haphazard loops and the interesting clouds all somehow come together.
Chelsea Burke
{K:5750} 11/17/2002
I love the nice rich colours in this one. Good focus overall. The composition leads your eye way, then another, then back again.
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 11/17/2002
As with the other photo, this is great. Good colours and the boat leading the eye again into the corner.
Nice one