Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 1/3/2005
Beyond words...Excellent!!!!!
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 7/5/2004
No se por cual de tus fotos empezar a saludar, pero empezaré por esta, fantástica
diptanshu roy
{K:1059} 1/19/2004
love it!
Wojtek Stawowiak
{K:195} 1/19/2004
Beautiful photo. Marvelous portfolio. For sure, I will return here often to watch your works :)
Fernando Dias
{K:2241} 12/31/2003
Grande composição e perspectiva, Nana! Abraço Fernando Dias obs: Parabéns pela reportagem sobre o seu trabalho na Revista FOTOGRAFE (A melhor e de maior circulação no Brasil).
A Brito
{K:10699} 12/31/2003
belissimo enquadramento...
Graciela Pierre
{K:7318} 12/30/2003
I agree with Patricia Eifel. But anyway it's a very powerful image, with an excellent composition. Happy New Year!
Patricia Eifel
{K:5097} 12/30/2003
This is a beautiful simple image with strong composition; I particularly like the scalloped stone juxtaposed with the encroaching surf. My only possible criticism is that the "print" seems a bit flat. Though a matter of taste, I think a bit more contrast would add some lumnosity and give the image a bit more life. Hope you don't mind that I gave it a try...
Gustavo R Costa
{K:1833} 12/30/2003
Excelent. Fantastic tone and subject. Congrats Nana!
Dave Marquis
{K:2172} 12/30/2003
Wow, I feel lonely looking at this picture. It is a great emotional shot!
Nick B
{K:870} 12/30/2003
Nice shade of gray and great composition. Cheers
Paolo Cardone
{K:1161} 12/30/2003
Silent... :-)
Bob Smith
{K:2340} 12/30/2003
Great tones and textures.
Claudia F.
{K:2930} 12/30/2003