Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 4/4/2004
Hi!,,My Friend Nedim: Excellent Winter Display of Frost!...Very Picturesque Presntation, Nedim!!! Best Regards: Jeff Just Keeping In Touch, Hope that Things Are Well with You, Nedim.....Jeff!!!
Stig Findholm
{K:226} 4/3/2004
Strong graphic qualities here. Well composed. Exellent work....Stig
Sasa Petrovic
{K:813} 1/28/2004
Excellent work.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 1/27/2004
excellent shot & composition ps. pojma nemam gdje se ono tancovalo, preturao sam nekakve negative i jedino sto ti mogu reci da je snimljeno prosle godine u maju (pise na etuiu od negativa), ali se apsolutno ne mogu sjetiti gdje :) odoh lupati glavom o zid sa cuvenom mujinom "sjeti se budalo ubice te :)))"
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 1/21/2004
Very interesting image - I like the stark black and white look.
{K:860} 1/20/2004
Odlicna fotografija. Dobra kombinacija boja, gotovo da izgleda kao crno-bijela fotografija. Hvala na lijepim komentarima. meni se takodje svidjaju tvoje slike, samo sam lijen da napisem komentar. (ilelic@yahoo.com)
Sandra Bozic
{K:3963} 1/19/2004
REALLY LIKE FROZEN IN TIME..I see some captured strenght in this work.Very interesting dear Nedim! :)
jon parsons
{K:13639} 1/16/2004
Nedim, this is absolutely marvelous! a most wonderful presentation indeed! lovely work....jon
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 1/12/2004
Beautiful ice flowers! (You should see my frozen window. -4C is spring here where I live!). Good capture.
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 1/11/2004
Beautiful composition Nedim ! Regards Caprice
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 1/10/2004
Nice capture I like the dark background bring out the white.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 1/8/2004
splendid job, good
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/8/2004
This is almost an abstract. The next time you have a chance to photograph something like this try underexposing at least one half stop or more. I think you will achieve better detail in the whites. Great idea. Don.
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 1/8/2004
great diagonal and great choice for the bleck background. Thank you for you comment Nedim, you are very kind!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 1/8/2004
Sonia ~
{K:2128} 1/6/2004
Great work.
Aleksandra Zvonar
{K:4623} 1/6/2004
mmm i ova je prelepa, mozda da je pozadina potpuno crna..ali nije bitno. no mene je iznervirao B. komentar, buvljaci su postojali i kad nam je bilo dobro, i kad nije, ne bitno, nisam razumela njeno 'zar se tako zivi ' ili sta je vec rekla... nego ovde je hvala bogu prestala kisa... pozdrav i srecna nova!
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 1/5/2004
Beautiful work! congrats...Orazio
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 1/4/2004
Wonderful. Great composition and excellent presentation in B&W. Best regards, Eduardo
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 1/2/2004
Such wonderful picture! Great composition! Perfectly done! My best wishes! ALexey
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 12/31/2003
excellent winter detail! sretna 04!
Bill Krul
{K:5597} 12/31/2003
Magnificent frost "flowers". I can feel the cold that this images conveys.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 12/31/2003
Lijepo i fotogenično
{K:30945} 12/31/2003
Lovely for new year Eve. Svidja mi se. Dragi Nedime, hvala ti na svemu od sveg srca. Zelim ti da se najlepse provedes za Docek nove godinice. Pusa Biliana
{K:9693} 12/30/2003
beautiful composition and contrast. cheers and Happy 2004!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 12/30/2003
fantastic image
Jimmy Payne
{K:21163} 12/30/2003
Very nice black and white shot.
Monty Emken (Ostracon X)
{K:4804} 12/30/2003
Very nice. Cool negative space!