Bandi Friedmann
{K:1100} 4/26/2003
Neia Frank
{K:478} 11/26/2002
Hi Sam!This has everything.Love the added brown,the way the background goes darker from bottom to top,also good choice of background colour,composition,light and nice and sharp.Like i said excellent!
{K:416} 11/5/2002
i too like this one out of the series. the brown...the whites..perfect!
Betsy Hern
{K:12872} 11/4/2002
This is my favorite of the series, too, and a Favorite on the site. I like the "verticalness" (is that a word?) of the composition and the control you've achieved in the whites - no burned out areas. It sounds like you took your time to light this just so, and all your hard work has paid off. Great job!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 11/4/2002
I too like the white on white, but the splash of colour really makes this stand out. A nice neutral brown, yet it does so much. Very nice!
Beverly Gustafson
{K:1572} 11/4/2002
I have to agree with Michaelle, this is fantastic, simplicity at it's best. Perfect light control, and composition.
michaelle .
{K:3807} 11/3/2002
This is my favorite of the series... the pure simplicity of the image is what i like so much. White on white... very nice.