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Theatre Poster
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Image Title:  Theatre Poster
Favorites: 0 
 By: Joe McCary  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  Joe McCary {Karma:3235}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D1X
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon 24-85
Uploaded 11/2/2002 Film / Memory Type ISO 125
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 416 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f14 (note, fourteen)
Critiques 6 Rating Critique Only Image
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About This is actually 3 images (and some type and a color background) all wedded together for a final poster. My wife is a HS English/Theatre teacher and twists my arm to shoot her play posters and performances for her. This is the poster for the coming show FOOLS. It was done on location at the school but with lots of studio lights (5) and a chromacolor background to help knocking out. The image of the stone wall was shot outdoors (a real stone wall). The 3 images were brought together in Photoshop 7 and type was added. As usual, your comments are welcome and rewarded.
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There are 6 Comments in 1 Pages
In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 12/1/2003
I see no arms being twisted by teacher... the photographer is simply proffering a token of his affection... and she will eventually lead him down the garden path... and women say it's not their fault...


Adam E. J. Squier   {K:9803} 11/3/2002
One of the first things I learned about photo-montage is to make sure the lighting is consistent. Here you have three completely different lighting sets and, while not immediately noticable, most folks would (unconciously, at least) see that something wasn't quite right. Especially with the strong directional lighting on the boy and the somewhat softer directional lighting on the girl from the opposite direction. If the girl were backlit, it would look fine as the wall could conceivably (and probably would) be shadowed, as it is.

You could try making the back of the girl brighter but with such a contrast in lighting I don't know if it would still be believable.

Now, I'm only saying this because otherwise it's very well done. It's only after one can assemble images like this that you must look at other, more advanced, techniques.


Chris Whaley   {K:3847} 11/2/2002
ahaa....that is really cool Joe....thanks for taking the time to post the separat pics and explain it...I'm practicing with layers in photoshop alonw with multiple printing in the dark room and like to see how these images were created....Thanks again.


Joe McCary   {K:3235} 11/2/2002
Sorry, I failed to answer your question. If you look at the above attachment you will see that the 2 kids were shot in front of a blue background. It is one of the Chromakey backgrounds just like the ones your TV weather person uses to drop in the weather maps. After capture I went in and did a magic wand on the blue and then inverted the selection (to capture the kids) and then reduced the selection by a couple pixels (closes in on the image, this rids of any unwanted area of blue, I also feathered the selection by 5 pixels to not have sharp edges. Then I slid it onto a new file. The wall you will note was flipped horizontally to fit the perspective. The wall was then distorted to fit my needs better than the original. The next step was to make the 2 kids the same size, the boy was slightly smaller in the original, so I enlarged him and slightly reduced the girl. The next step was the gradient background (light blue to dark blue). Then the type was laid on top. The image was saved as a PSD to maintain the layers so changes are possible later (you never know what you'll see tomorrow).

Thanks for your interest; this is really easier than you might think.


Joe McCary   {K:3235} 11/2/2002
Chris, the wall was shot outdoors and the boy and girl were shot at the same setup, but about 3 hours apart. I shot several other cast members for "lobby" shots in between. The assembly took about an hour.


Chris Whaley   {K:3847} 11/2/2002
Nice work putting it all together.....can you explain how you blended them on so cleanly? I can't tell from this size that the wall was shopped in. Are the boy and the girl separate photos as well?




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