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Lunar Wind
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Image Title:  Lunar Wind
Favorites: 14 
 By: Keith Naylor  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Keith Naylor {Karma:13064}
Project #37 Night Photography Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscapes
Lens Canon 28mm f2.8
Uploaded 12/9/2003 Film / Memory Type ISo 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2010 Shutter 30 seconds
Favorites 14  Aperture f2.8
Critiques 37 Rating
/ 25 Ratings
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About 30 seconds exposure, 3hrs after dusk in a full moon. Also used a large torch to paint a little light into the deepest shadows of the first 2 windmills. Cropped just a little off the left hand edge to lose some 'dead' space. Also didn't realise that the stars produce trails with as little as 30 second exposures. A bit of an experiment really but one which I learned quite a bit from.
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There are 37 Comments in 1 Pages
Ken Tinley   {K:1856} 5/10/2005
Amazing photograph, truely inspiring, great angles, great composition, great colour! all round beauti!


Patrick Cowley   {K:2095} 3/4/2005
where did you take this photograph?


taran  taran     {K:1284} 2/28/2005
Nice work here, although I boycott all pictures of wind turbines due to their increasing prevalence in many bucolic scenes I had previously deemed pristine. I guess they are good for something.


cameny    {K:5880} 2/13/2005
Great photo, so graphic and so beautiful! 7/7


narabia   narabia     {K:9563} 1/2/2005
perfect shot!
I love it


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 4/18/2004
Always liked your work Keith ... Keep it up!


KEVIN TEMPLE   {K:8657} 3/14/2004
much better than mine
great photo
by the by I did clone that white patch out then changed it back when I put it on
regards kevin


David Bourke   {K:2239} 2/26/2004
Fantastic. It's so surreal. The lighting, composition and colors are suberb.


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 2/22/2004
Excellent..beautiful image..........


Derek Dixon   {K:4948} 2/22/2004
exellent night shot! very nice prespective... ...funny how quick we move...


Melissa Schalke   {K:2070} 2/20/2004
I think it's wonderful!!


Michael Chang   {K:8} 2/15/2004
Beautiful image, Keith. Night photography is fun, isn't it? :-)


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 2/13/2004
Keith, great gallery. I really like this shot. Lou


Daniel Taylor   {K:3495} 1/16/2004
This is really good. 7's across the board. Stephen's post had some good suggestions. The house doesn't bother me much, but the image would be better without the telephone mast.

While the slight star trails don't bug me, I would love to see a version with long trails. I'm not sure if you could capture a tight pinpoint version without having to put up with noise, i.e. you would probably have to push to 800 or 1600 to get a time that fully arrests star motion.

The colors in the sky and the tone of the moonlight reflecting off the turbines is just awesome. Great work!


Robert Walls   {K:1728} 12/11/2003
Great picture Keith. Very effective lighting and perspective.


Ste Mc   {K:2021} 12/11/2003
Hi Keith,

My initial impression was "f*ck me, what a great photo!" It's really excellent and I like it a lot!!! I love the line of turbines, the way they are lit, the sky with those patterns, and the orange colour just above the horizon, all excellent!

...After looking at it a bit more, I think I've found a few possible improvements (to make the excellent photo perfect) - I wouldn't normally say anything for a photo that I like this much, but I remember seeing something you wrote in another post/forum where you were complaining about the lack of contructive comments, hence, I usually try to think of things for your photos, as opposed to just saying "f*ck me, what a great photo!" :-)

Firstly, my main suggestion for improvement in this photo would be to get rid of that telephone mast in the middle of the turbines. Either by cloning it out, or by adjusting your position so to exclude it from the composition. It's just in the way of the nice line of turbines.

I'd also like to get rid of that house on the horizon on the right - there's just enough of the house showing to make it a distraction, but too little of it to make a pretty addition, so either show more of it or none of it.

I'd have stood a few steps to the left so that the turbines don't overlap eachother - pretty much the same thing as you suggested in one of my photos:

I agree with Jim about the star trails - either longer trails, or just points. Perhaps you could take two different photos - a long exposure, and a shorter exposure, then put the stars from the short exposure into the long one? Also, there's what appears to be a star trail in the bottom right hand corner, just below the house!? I'd clone this out.

Anyway, it's an excellent photo nonetheless, and I've given you all 7 out of 7's for the idea and what you've done. Did you read about that 'painting with light' feature in this month's Outdoor Photography magazine? ;-) If not, then there's an excellent feature there that's worth reading. I'd like to try the same myself, only my G5 only has a maximum of a 15 second shutter speed so I wouldn't have that much time in which to make it work well.

Great work Keith!



John Bohner   {K:8368} 12/10/2003
Keith - As I mentioned, I love this and wish it was mine. 5X7! As to the stars trailing... A good rule of thumb is : to keep stars as points - keep your exposure to less than 500/focal length in seconds. Thus for your 28 mm it would be 500/28 or roughly 18 seconds. It might be less than that because your digital is using less than full 35 mm frame. If your 28 mm is acting like a 40 mm then the exposure would need to be under 12.5 seconds. This is from a book I have on astrophotography. Cheers - John


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/10/2003
So so good lighting. great. bravooooo!
Into my favorites. thank you!


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 12/10/2003
excellent work! great moon lighting


Anouschka Rokebrand   {K:6470} 12/10/2003
Beautiful image. The sky is simply wonderful. Great composition. Excellent work, congrats!


Emanuele Calvagno   {K:14353} 12/10/2003
this photo is excellent...
great great perspective, lighting, composition


Günter Koth   {K:13841} 12/10/2003
Wonderful image, Keith. Excellent composition and an incredible lighting. This is an outstanding night shot, congrats.
Best regards, Günter.


Ivan N. Prgonjic Ivan N. Prgonjic   {K:3053} 12/9/2003
Beautiful image ... great picture .. Nicely done :))


Graciela Pierre Graciela Pierre   {K:7318} 12/9/2003
Goes to my favorites! Excellent composition and exposure. Congratulations and regards from Buenos Aires


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 12/9/2003
And, ah, not much wind in those 30 seconds, either! Very enterprising and, as you say, instructive. It wouldn't have occurred to me but I'm very glad it did to you... Using the torch was a really bright idea. Ahem.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 12/9/2003
Outstanding beauty.


Veríssimo Dias   {K:1531} 12/9/2003
Nice picture. Well done.
I am agree with your coment to my tree in the field.
All the best


Johnpaul Soto   {K:675} 12/9/2003
Incredible!!! My congrats and regards.


Eduardo Bernardes   {K:8999} 12/9/2003
Excellent composition!
Wonderful light and colors!

Regards, Eduardo


Haleh B   {K:3741} 12/9/2003
This is truly a very successful night shot. The colors in the sky are lacing this image with glory. I also would like to thank you for the detailed info regarding this image. I just bought a 10D and I am trying to learn all of its features and your info came very handy!


Carla Pires   {K:10713} 12/9/2003
That's a great image. Nice colors. Good lighting. Excellent composition. Sky it's great with all stars. Congrats! :)


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 12/9/2003
Excellent composition!
Fantastic light!
Best regards, Alberto


. .   {K:2743} 2/22/2004
looking at the stars and light first i thought probably just PS...
you have done an incredible job in getting the perfect exposure....very nice!!


Magdy Aly   {K:3686} 12/9/2003
this one of the best images i have seen for long time well captuerd , great job keith , regards


Roy V Roy V   {K:13082} 12/9/2003
Excellent work! "great angle, light ans exposure"


Jim Goldstein   {K:21230} 12/9/2003
Great job. Check out my "Celestial Wind". I think you'll like it. Great job with the painting of the first windmill. The lighting is great. I'd rather see the stars either pin sharp or with a good deal of motion blur, but that is my personal preference. The lighitng is spectacular. Was this cropped at all? I've heard that dSLRs have a tougher time with long exposure at or beyond 30 seconds. Did you experience this? Beautiful work.


Anders Jørgensen   {K:936} 12/9/2003
romantic industi.




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