{K:17069} 12/19/2003
Sexy and provocative
ppdix says 7******
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 12/11/2003
harikaaa.....right to my favourites...
sean armenta
{K:161} 12/8/2003
nicely done
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 12/6/2003
Very cool shot Koray! Very fun! Mark
Frank Li
{K:2103} 12/6/2003
Novel idea! The blurring is well place :) Good work mate
André Bermak
{K:14443} 12/6/2003
Excelente captura,ótimas cores e composição!!!!!
Johnpaul Soto
{K:675} 12/6/2003
Excellent Capture of a Passionate moment.
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 12/6/2003
A very powerfull image... There is something instense passing through, don?t konw exactly what... Like it a lot!
Antonio Fonseca
{K:2666} 12/6/2003
Verdadeiramente original e bonita! Parabéns!
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 12/6/2003
great work! love the colours, the composition is strong, and the sense of movememnt is great!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/6/2003
fantastic composition and colors! great work. regards.
Richard Bontempi
{K:301} 12/6/2003
Great image!!! Just the open hand on her head is a bit disturbing in my opinion, it is maybe too aggressive. Congrats!!
Tamer Gunal
{K:194} 12/6/2003
kesinlikle mukemmel bir calisma.. tebrikler koray.
Andrew Chambers
{K:1271} 12/6/2003
Great image very differant- works very well