Uldra Johnson
{K:683} 12/10/2003
A VERY beautiful image - may be my favorite! How did you do it? Aloha, Uldra
John Bohner
{K:8368} 12/6/2003
What a great way to improve what was a rather uninteresting image. Very good PS skills. I will have to think about adding this to my kit of ideas for images. Thanks. - J
Frank Li
{K:2103} 12/6/2003
Great use of photoshop to turn a scene into something extraordinary. Good work mate!
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 12/6/2003
Mike-- this is great! You weren't kidding about shooting on the run. Excellent composition, and also excellent blending of trees into the dark sky. I like it and it's going in my favorites file. Cheers. Craig
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 12/5/2003
cool photo.. infrared? nice work
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 12/5/2003
Really nice image!! Great composition and neat ps work! The curving lines really work here.