Fernando Ladeira
{K:849} 1/10/2004
Excellent momment!
{K:16195} 12/4/2003
Very nice capture with desive moment. Regards, Hayri.
jon parsons
{K:13639} 12/4/2003
Antonella, monday of this week i was in New York city! i went there to buy a new camera, a Minolta Dimage A1. well i got it and im tearing my hair out trying to figure out how everything works this darn thing! your friend.... jon ps, all the local camera shops wanted $899.00 us to $999.00 us, so i drove to New York and got it w/usa warranty for $699.00 us.. ps2 you dad was also a wonderful photographer! ps3, im only 110 miles from the heart of NY CITY...
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/3/2003
i am sure he will like!!! lovely done! regards.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 12/3/2003
Good PJ. I guess photography is in your genes.
Antonella, the 1.4 converter multiplies the focal length by 1.4 and sacrifices one stop.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 12/3/2003
very precious view seeing this series of shots from your father, thanks for sharing Antonella, other than showing interesting scene from past they are also technically interesting in composition and light and are very nice
{K:30945} 12/3/2003
Beautiful photographs from your daddy.Love it. So now I know! You heritated the talent for photography from your daddy. Great. Kiss, BIliana
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 12/3/2003
Nice photo with N-F! I salute him!!!(I'm consulting about your question about the error of shutter releasing for NIKON consulting center.And wait a little moment please about macro lens Antonella)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/3/2003
un altro "en-plein" ottima foto sembra "vecchia".. mi piace molto braav! roby
Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 12/3/2003
Great nostalgic image Antonella. Wonderful hommage for your father to share his images with us!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 12/3/2003
excellent momment
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 12/3/2003
Questa č la classica doppia foto. A seconda di come la tagli le dai una valenza differente...
MI piace un sacco!!
mauri orion
{K:1212} 12/3/2003
come foto "d?epoca" é veramente molto bella!