Daniel Taylor
{K:3495} 1/16/2004
I really like this shot. I like how the color of the stocking offsets the black outfit. Good pose to.
I've been looking through your portfolio and I was wondering...do you need anybody to help hold lights or anything? ;-)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 11/23/2003
interesting socks ... great.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 11/22/2003
I am sorry for your photo ?Cops are Coming?, evidently the cops arrived indeed! However you still have many beautiful photos in your portfolio, like this, I see an excellent technique, I like Yuli?s beauty and pose. Bye Max
Khoi Nguyen
{K:8700} 11/22/2003
Excellent portrait! I like it!
Spencer E.
{K:4032} 11/16/2003
Love the skirt and stockings! By the way, I love the layout you've done on your website as well.. That's going to be badass when it's finished.
Loic Pézarches
{K:3199} 11/15/2003
Classic !
Ricardo Villagran
{K:1901} 11/14/2003
6 stars to Yuli! pat, si tienes tiempo dime que te parece my latest...! RV
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 11/14/2003
Beautiful model and one more excellent studio's work! Congrats and wellcome 80's, 70's ou 60's, cause everything is cyclic, isn't?
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/13/2003
very good foto!!
Daniel Knutsen
{K:3871} 11/13/2003
I think this is a great studio shot Mr. ppdix! Very nice lightning with soft tones.
Jamie: The 80's is allready back! At least here in Sweden =/
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 11/13/2003
Normally I love all your work but not sure about this one. Well aside from the 80's flashback which we NEVER need to see again *grin* I dunno, the face seems a bit soft but also the way you've lit it she seems rather flat and not seperated from her background except under her body, could just be the contrast on my monitor though.