xxxxMonicaxxxx xxxDawxxn xxxxVogesxxx
{K:1278} 1/19/2008
You are a genius at low light photography. I find your portfolio truly inspiring. I salute your talent. SUPERB WORK! Kind regards, Monica
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 3/2/2006
Simply excellent work. I enjoy the skyward gaze, a search for truth and peace. Well done.
Evina Schmidova
{K:2034} 2/13/2004
José Lins
{K:1544} 2/6/2004
MAGIC!!!!! CONGRATILATIONS!!! Regards, José Lins
Raymund Macaalay
{K:7218} 11/10/2003
Great concept and excellent title. Another Perfect Work
ati metwaly
{K:1378} 10/27/2003
excellent capture! zajrzalam do twojego portfolio. swietne prace.
Toini Blom
{K:2039} 10/25/2003
Veryvery nice!! Excellent colors!
Priyadarshi Sinha
{K:7238} 10/22/2003
lovely title ... great emotional feel.well done.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/22/2003
amaizing work.. absolutly favorite! regards.
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 10/22/2003
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/22/2003
Hanna Derecka
{K:74} 10/22/2003
Twoje prace sa naprawdê wspaniage, podziwiam.... Mo?e mozna je poogl?dac gdzie? jeszcze w internecie oprócz galerii? Masz jak?? swoj? stronê? Excellent picture!!
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 10/22/2003
Manuela Filip
{K:1657} 10/22/2003
your photos are just wonderful. I am almost conviced that I should start some serious photography myself ;)...
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/22/2003
Excellent shot Piotr....Regards,Hakan.
good bye!
{K:-694} 10/22/2003
kinda pathetic (no offence) I bet it would look great as a poster, the framing does not good to the pic.
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 10/22/2003
This is Poetry in picture! Great! Regards, Lorenzo
Kenan Erdey
{K:299} 10/22/2003
nice emotional photo. congrads.
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 10/22/2003
good looking photo...
Claudia F.
{K:2930} 10/22/2003
Gerhard F
{K:2820} 10/22/2003
Great picture!