Luther Chong
{K:3585} 5/6/2004
Excellent "old bldg" shot. Colors, framing and composition conveys a peaceful setting.
Have you trided the same sene at a differnt time of day with the sun at your back or right side..??
Robert Walls
{K:1728} 11/24/2003
Cathy, This is a great picture, the surroundings look as old and uncared for as the building. I like the colours but couldn?t help thinking it might look good in a monotone. Have you tried this? I took the liberty and I hope you don?t mind. What do you think?
Graham Mulrooney
{K:15728} 11/1/2003
Great rustic look to the shop with great colour and focus.
Thanks for commenting on my Pangbourne. I changed the sky in this shot and tried to change the direction of the light. Not worked very well. A lot more work required.
jan newman
{K:201} 10/20/2003
awesome shot.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/19/2003
Nice work!
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 10/19/2003
Good colours and composition Cathy! Regards, Diana.
Cedric Sims
{K:3259} 10/19/2003
Nice colors, perspective and composition. What was this a old antique shop up in the mountains.