{K:1665} 10/18/2006
What's wrong with this picture? This is great! Superb!!
Tomasz Sarna
{K:1778} 12/11/2003
beautiful composition regards
George Papadopoulos
{K:225} 9/4/2003
Fantastic work! Are you Greek? Me too! Live in UK. Get in touch!
heather martino
{K:3648} 3/3/2003
This came up in random so I just browsed your pictures. You have a great unique style! Keep em coming. H:)
Chris Whaley
{K:3847} 9/5/2002
really like the feeling of age this photo gives and how the VW pops out. I can almost see a traveler from the 1970's, wandering through the streets of Europe, van waiting for him when he is ready to retire for the day.
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 9/5/2002
In my opinion the line between "blure" and "sharp" is little bit to visible... Nevertheless this picture has your signature and it is very stylish.
dimitris theocharis
{K:-276} 9/5/2002
i used 28mm lens
meprivacynet@meprivacy.net meprivacynet@meprivacy.net
{K:3974} 9/5/2002
What kind of lens did you use?