Judita Sendak
{K:600} 6/27/2007
Good job! The most interesting shot from that place.
Val .
{K:4973} 10/24/2003
i know this place ... good your results
Manuela Filip
{K:1657} 10/15/2003
I wish I could see some human feet along with these... :)
PS. I cannot agree on your comments reg Paco F. ... :)
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 10/11/2003
I remember those days, we called them "Primavera di Praga" in Italian (Praga Springtime), I was young and I hoped for a new world, now I'm old and I'm still hoping... Jas was a student like me and he became my hero, I never forget him and all the others that burned themselves for protesting against war. Thank for this photo Fabio. Bye Max
{K:1185} 10/11/2003
...i thought it was a real man legs ..inspiring :)
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 10/9/2003
amazing i remember him that was a hard time
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 10/9/2003
quite sinister , Fabio !!
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 10/8/2003
This one goes to my favs....
{K:32791} 10/8/2003
feet of endurance...
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 10/8/2003
saddest and most poetic feet I have ever seen. And once again, Fabio Keiner, come and see for yourself! You will be astonished of how much warmth there can be in sach massive barrennes. You can lie down on the soft sphagnum moss looking up staring at the sky rushing past and changing quicker than the flicker of your eyelids, and marvel at how much shelter you are feeling on a moor where there is no shelter.Honestly. (pfuiiiiiii-that was hard! done my poetic bit for today.............ah ah ah)(I do mean it though)(honestly)
artlicht welten
{K:450} 10/8/2003
das bild des brennenden. von mir als 11-jährigem das erste mal wahrgenommen. hat mit geprägt. und blieb in mir. wird hier wieder gerufen. durch die darstellung im ausschnitt des wesentlichen.
..... der wendula möchte ich mich anschließen. eine perle sollte, wenn sie sich schon wirft, auch perle bleiben dürfen. ;-)
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 10/7/2003
barefeet, ahead, with crowd of followers behind...beautiful
j w
{K:12641} 10/7/2003
I know that when a sculptor makes a monument, he intends a certain emotional intensity and life for it -- but you, my friend, always seem to find a way to amplify this, make it more visceral and powerful. Tis a gift --
and I am so glad to have seen this, it's a beautiful work.
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 10/7/2003
Fabio I?m old enough to remember those days And your photo makes memories come to life
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 10/7/2003
als ebenso mitleidender wie zorniger chronist totalitärer unterdrückung und verfolgung erinnerst du an die schicksale der opfer, die dem kollektiven gedächtnis schon längst entfallen sind. du bewirkst das - oft polemisch - durch emotional eindrückliche fotobilder, die nicht nur verdrängung bekämpfen, sondern - vor allem - einen starken appell an die menschliche moral richten. ich finde, dass man dir dafür dankbar sein darf. was mich betrüben würde: wenn du dich stattdessen in der fc (in deutschland?) auf die rolle des pausenclowns beschränken würdest.
rino sirio
{K:8012} 10/7/2003
drammatica espressivitàà bel taglio compositivo...ciao
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 10/7/2003
The vertical gradient is effective for showing your subject, and the grain also seems appropriate. Thanks for posting.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 10/7/2003
Nice capture and composition with nice tone!
Mik Teige
{K:2311} 10/7/2003
Very good. Perfect expression (nudity of the spirit). Thank you for sharing. Mik from Prague
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 10/7/2003
but jan palach was no poet, however. he burned himself to death protesting against the soviet occupation of checoslovaquia in 1968. seems so long ago, as if it would have never happened, already forgotten. (as the buddhist monks in south-vietnam, who set fire to themselves, too; in protest against the war waged by the usa against their divided country.)