jake griffin
{K:3439} 10/7/2003
what ever your intention, this image has that hint of "sleaze" and that's what makes it work for me. The exposure, comp. colors which are very good are secondary almost required. I just like what I see.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/6/2003
Sexy shot Jytte
Andy Simmons
{K:7704} 10/6/2003
Sexy, amusing, and enigmatic. Very creative shot, makes me smile.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/6/2003
well she does have fantastic legs...quite nice shot...but I prefer the other version...the other perspetive it is quite fantastic.
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 10/6/2003
wooow thats a striking composition bravo bahadir
Gary Roberts
{K:81} 10/6/2003
I have to agree with some of the coments, I agree that she is a very sexy woman but the pose and location make me question some things. I feel like she is hiding, like she is not supposed to be doing what she is doing and doesn't want to be photographed, but if that is the direction a bit more motion showing that would help. On the other hand I do really like the diverse colors, I wish the wall was stronger, and the textures are also very nice.
j ruz
{K:1043} 10/6/2003
Sexy?! what are you talking about?! does just showing a lot of leg make it sexy? i don't see it. this is just too wierd. what is she doing to that pole? if you're exploring the implications of human sexuality, it might make more sense. otherwise, the image is just too nebulous and out there.
Johan Sorensen
{K:3449} 10/6/2003
Ok , Nice to see her agian. Can you ask her to pose agian in somthing like a bikiny. Love to see her face!
Michael Grace-Martin
{K:10183} 10/6/2003
This is somewhat bizarre...like she's using a urinal. I really like the colors. It might be better if there weren't as many objects in the shot, but I won't complain too much! Congrats..:)
Richard Montgomery
{K:1936} 10/6/2003
Jytte, This really is a very sexy image. I like the textures that you were able to bring out in both her clothing and the wall.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/6/2003
Erotic and beautiful. Nice legs. Well done.
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 10/6/2003
Like the composition, love it, well done!
Marcos Duarte
{K:15402} 10/6/2003
sami said
{K:712} 10/6/2003
nice composition great job
Marcelo Predebon Pereira
{K:622} 10/6/2003
Very sexy picture. Good composition. The colors could be a little more strong. Regards, Marcelo.