Dan Scenna
{K:1661} 1/8/2005
When I first saw the thumb, I was going to complain about the subject being positioned dead center of the frame. Once I enlarged it, and saw the lightning, I understood what you did.
I'm still not certain I wouldn't crop the left side down enough to eliminate the smaller bolt to better emphisize the figure/dominant bolt. But I really like the concept you've created here.
Piotr Niewierowicz
{K:2401} 5/21/2004
fantastic! regards Piotr
Liz Chaffin
{K:546} 3/26/2004
Eddie you are an inspiration to me, great job beautiful images.....I am left speachless
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 12/30/2003
Stian Wiik
{K:1516} 10/29/2003
I just love this one!
{K:17069} 10/22/2003
And yet one more excellent photo...
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 10/6/2003
beautiful work!!!
Mark Beltran
{K:32612} 10/5/2003
It subtly plays on fears and coming anxiety, what with the storm in the distance.
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 10/5/2003
Fantastic b/w!!!!
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 10/5/2003
less light on the legs would be nice, they are shining :)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 10/4/2003
I have seen it somewhere else before ..but I love this work! regards.
Lisa Paully
{K:1735} 10/4/2003
!!! WOW
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 10/4/2003
Hello Eddie: This has been one of my all time favorite images since I saw it posted (perhaps in slightly different version?) on PN. Forget about the approaching storm, the lithe windwhipped figure and her umbrella are simply unforgettable. --Jim
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/4/2003
Excellent work!...congrats Eddie!
Fernando Tasca
{K:1995} 10/4/2003
Hi Eddie wonderful this picture...looks like the old times... regards... F.TAsca
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 10/4/2003
Welcome Eddie. Brilliant B&W with a strong story in it. As she is centered it took me a while to actually see the "storm". I know it was your option, however a crop in the left part could bring the subject (storm) more into the picture. Marília
melik iscan
{K:907} 10/4/2003
very nice shot,best regards.
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 10/4/2003
I like the foto, shame she is placed in the middel, I would crop a lot of left side. And shame here leggs are crop in bottom.
I like the strong contrast on here dress and the light in the hoizont. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Raffaele Bonivento
{K:442} 10/4/2003
Fantastic composition, demostrating that rules are just for beginners. I really love this subject in the middle and the leg cut is not making the pic loose her strenght. Striking image, maybe just a bit blurred?
Quantummeter .
{K:2870} 10/4/2003
Very interesting composition. Good control of exposure. Best regards, Pablo.