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Joanna, Little Princess
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Image Title:  Joanna, Little Princess
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 By: ppdix   
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer ppdix   ppdix   {Karma:17069}
Project #22 Friendship Camera Model Canon EOS 10D
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Kids
Lens 28-135 USM IS
Uploaded 10/1/2003 Film / Memory Type IBM Microdrive 1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 759 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture F13
Critiques 19 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
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About For a 3 1/2 year old, she behaved quite well. After 3 hours and 500 shots. This is the result.
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There are 19 Comments in 1 Pages
- - - -   {K:10510} 1/9/2005
sweet princess.. =)


Mark Stein   {K:6210} 1/20/2004
ppdix, I have a question to ask of you. In a second you will see how ironic my question is. I was looking through your portfolio for an image that I felt had wonderful color. Actually many of yours do of course but this one is the one I chose. How funny after reading the comments regarding the color of this image that I would choose THIS image for my favorite color. I'm still laughing. Anyway, to my question...I own a canon 10D and recently bought myself some Photogenic mono lights and umbrellas. Softboxes have to be ordered yet as I see what I want. 1) How do YOU set the white balance for your 10D with your studio lights? 2) Do you "usually" have to make many color adjustments in PS to get nice, warm skin tones? My email is if you would care to share your knowledge on this topic. I sure would appreciate it.



Aliki Boho   {K:151} 10/3/2003
Oeyvind Toft,

I took everything you said into consideration and the update you made, made the girl look like she had a blood and skin disease. I like the original much better. I've been a graphic designer for 13 years. Maybe your screen is off? Check your white balance? :)


oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/3/2003
Good teaching is about sharing knowledge and EXPERIENCE, not assumptions.


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 10/2/2003
Oeyvind you are blowing this out of proportion... This is not a fighting arena and everyone has the right to an opinion. I am not trying to make anybody look like an idiot. You asked me how I know that people don't use Auto Levels and I answered in the best way I could. I teach people how to use Photoshop. I have the experience and I try to share my practical knowledge instead of my technical expertise and show people how to do things THEIR WAY and not the PS way. PS is a great tool for the ones that know how to bring the best out of it. But, it can very well work against you if you let it do its thing.
Don't rely on PS to make a shot look good. Photographers have been without computers for 190 years and there are some amazing masterpieces out there, with or without yellow casts or auto levels... it is about the photographer and the subject to make it a great shot, not the PS "help"...

I hope this is the end of this useless argument.

All the best to u



oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/2/2003
Altur T

I think you have misunderstood my part in this "fight" as you call it.
My fight isnt for auto levels or whether an image should have an ugly yellow tone or not. If there is a fight it is against ridiculous ARGUMENTATION like:

My favorite: "I never even considered using AutoLevels. They always(!!!) ruin the pictures."

Also a nice one: "Any(!!!) Professional Photoshop user will never(!!!) resort to a mathematical guess like Auto Levels."

And if the arguments stinks, throw in the certificates: "because I am Adobe certified(Wow!! Impressive !!!) on Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive and InDesign".

If Mr.ppdix had said: "Yes, I have ACTUALLY USED(!!!) auto levels on many of my images and found it to be useless for my purposes", no problem.

But when this Mr.ppdix, because he cant handle critique tries to render everyone finding auto levels useful as idiots, presenting outright selfcontradictory arguments and pretty grand conclusions, as well as his certificates, I find it hard to avoid responding.

If you fancy grand conclusion and talking on behalf of the entire pro PS community, you better speak from EXPERIENCE.


altur .   {K:6087} 10/2/2003
Very nice portrait of this sweet little girl. I like the composition... with the colors on her hair and her dress... it gives something extra to this portrait.

As about "the yellow cast vs. no cast at all"... if I may: guys, come on! there's no idea fighting about it... I believe it's up to each person how would like to have it.
My self, I'm a bit against "auto-things" in PS (have to say first, I am not a professional user of the program), but I found a nice book for digital photographers (by Scott Kelby)... he gives some advice for colors correction with some settings for "auto color", which can give good results (mostly). Hope neither of you will mind my comment. Good luck with your works.

PS: ... to Mr. ppdix... thanks for your comment to my "Heat". I agree with you, it would have been better to "isolate" the girl somehow. I tried to do that by having her in focus and the rest of the people "fuzzier", but I'm afraid it didn't work so well (in the original - before submiting the photo - it looks much better). Thank you once again, Alex


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 10/2/2003
wonderful portrait


oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/1/2003
What versiont you prefer is obviously totally up to you. In my mind your version doesnt work due to the yellow tone. So be it.

However, to other users I highly recommend trying auto level before anything else. In my experience it is yes, sometimes useless. And other times it removes color cast completely, restores whitebalance, and therby freshens the colors considerably. It may not be the last thing you do with an image, but very often I find it useful as a start.
Using adjustment layers you can also dampen the effect if desirable.
To doom auto levels when you have never even considered using it seem to me to be a bit silly, certificates or not.

BTW, my image is a 3D rendering. I use other tools to manipulate 3D stuff.


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 10/1/2003
Oeyvind, I know about auto levels because I am Adobe certified on Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive and InDesign. I have been using Adobe products for over 12 years, as I mentioned before, and know what AutoLevel do to pictures... But, then again, even if I didn't know, all I have to do is look at my picture and yours and clearly realize using Auto Levels is a mistake... See for yourself and what it did to your beautiful picture... Cheers ;-)


oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/1/2003
if you have never even considered using auto levels, how do you know it always ruins the picture?? And do you know every pro PS user there is??


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 10/1/2003
Oeyvind, thanx for your comments. Though I have to say, that in the 12 years I've been using Photoshop, I never even considered using AutoLevels. They always ruin the pictures. Any Professional Photoshop user will never resort to a mathematical guess like Auto Levels. I spent quite some time getting the exact light cast that the picture has, and as you can see in your AutoLevels picture, it looks hard and contrasty and it totally lost the warmness...
Thanx a lot but I like my "yellow" cast :-)




Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 10/1/2003
So gorgeous! Really a wonderful capture of a gorgeous little girl!


oeyvind toft   {K:307} 10/1/2003
Heavy yellow cast. Put it through a auto level in PS.


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 10/1/2003
Hi Mr ppdix, wonderful portrait, great detail!! For me 7/7.
Best regard


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/1/2003
dulce y primorosa foto.parabens.


stefano mannucci   {K:4793} 10/1/2003
very very good !! Congrats. Ciao Stefano


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 10/1/2003
After 3 hours and 500 shots? Hahaha! It was a chalenging shot for you. The result is great. Congratulation for the beautiful and lovely shot of very lovely-lovely cute child.


Anna Pagnacco   {K:7448} 10/1/2003
Oh my! She must be an angel:-)).....Lovely image.Anna




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