Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 10/1/2003
Well composed!
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 9/30/2003
very good lighting and detail..unusual composition
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 9/30/2003
a very good idea, nice composition, I like the tilted frame - nice colour and good texture and detail. regards - marco
Christopher Anderson
{K:201} 9/30/2003
Something about the angle of this picture makes me dizzy. I like it! Anytime a picture can make me dizzy its a good thing! Awesome shot.
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 9/30/2003
I like the composition here. Well seen. The bike have deffinate possibilities! The front tire is only flat on one side! Should be good to go! Great image Jytte!
Jytte Kristensen
{K:446} 9/30/2003
Hi everybody, thanks for Your nice comments, and no need to shake, nothing happened as far as I know, it is several years ago since a train was there, so everything is just left, the bike too I assume, but what happened there in the "god old days" we can only guess :-) regards Jytte
{K:16195} 9/30/2003
Great composed very well capture. Regards, Hayri.
Philip Coleman
{K:1628} 9/30/2003
nice composition, good lighting and i also like the orientation you have took the photo in
Kazik Janeczko
{K:1558} 9/30/2003
Good composition and colors.
Lorita Damas
{K:1035} 9/30/2003
Dramatic before that????????????????????
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 9/30/2003
great composition.
Jaap Poot
{K:7926} 9/30/2003
nice picture,but looking at the condition of the bike i would take the train
Marcel Laurens
{K:3654} 9/30/2003
Great! excellent diagonal composition!