Bahadir k
{K:8825} 12/5/2003
the detail of the pumpkin and the curves are caught so well dear Naty,doesnt matter with or without manipulation... bono ;)
Jim McNitt
{K:11246} 11/2/2003
I've come around to thinking that every photograph is a manipulated image -- after all, what is the attempt to represent three-dimensional space in two dimensions but a grand manipulative illusion? In photography, there are only degrees of manipulation. --Jim
Ivan Almeida Junqueira
{K:929} 10/19/2003
Fantástica. Gostei muito!
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 10/10/2003
Excellent light and comp Naty!! regards!!!
Giuseppe Di Pierro
{K:5911} 10/10/2003
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 10/3/2003
Naty, per te ormai non ci sono piů parole!!!!! Per il resto ha giŕ detto tutto Massimo.. Ciao!!!!
Robert Gaither
{K:34128} 10/3/2003
Sometimes I like the word image for they are all images. Like this one nice creativity and excellent image.
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 9/29/2003
Nicely composed and captured! Great color/detail! Very good work!!!
peta jones
{K:12615} 9/28/2003
I knew it was a pumpkin in thumbnail, in this size it has a sea feeling to me because of the colour I guess, and the swirl effect. I think it's really wonderful.
Stefan A. F. Kassler
{K:3727} 9/28/2003
Great composition, i like the colors, like painted. Very well done work. Regards, Stefan
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/28/2003
una zucca...err...sexissima!!!!
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 9/28/2003
urka che bei colori!! ottimo lavoro
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 9/28/2003
I love this shot, Naty! Beautiful blue-green color and the whirlpool of a 'twist' where the stem meets the gourd is amazing. The patterns on the top of the pumpkin remind me of the brush strokes of a Van Gogh. Great eye to see this one! (Luisa's comment got a big smile out of me! :)
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 9/28/2003
Great shot !! Good idea!!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/28/2003
tanto per cominciare ... subito nelle preferite ...! Poi mi chiedo: io vivo nelle favole ... ma tu hai la bacchetta magica? Hai mai provato a canticchiare ..."bibidibobidibu?"
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 9/28/2003
excellent photo
- simos -
{K:9354} 9/28/2003
Great colorful close-up....regards, simo
Fernando Tasca
{K:1995} 9/28/2003
Naty... It?s a wonderful picture. I loved. Parabéns!!!! Fernando Tasca
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 9/28/2003
Ciao, carissima. Non sono andato via, penso che se si comincia a saltare di palo in frasca ci si confonde un po' le idee, ma soprattutto si postano i lavori vecchi di uno-due anni a danno della creativita' e della necessita' di uscire per il semplice gusto di fare foto... Se si va su un sito nuovo la prima tentazione e' quella di metterci una valanga di roba vista e rivista, e non si ha lo stimolo a fare cose nuove. Certo, se qui le cose dovessero mettersi male come su PS allora e' un altro discorso...
Anna Dill
{K:3872} 9/28/2003
Very nice abstract. I like what you did with the colors makes it interesting.
T Glow
{K:14955} 9/28/2003
great macro.. excellent colors & crop! Regards,T.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 9/28/2003
Excellent Naty, lovely colors.....
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/28/2003
Wonderful photo,good lighting and composition!
Igor L.
{K:7432} 9/27/2003
Very nice macro shot.
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 9/27/2003
Naty Z!Don't know! Well I don't either. I think a photo is a photo. A banana is banana when it goes into a pie, salt is still salt in the sea or on your hamburger, Beef! beef is beef if it is in chili or hambuger, unless of course it is rolled up in a ball with a lot of garlic, then it is heaven! Opps! Meatballs are still beef. and no matter how you slice it apple is apple. So I dunno! I do know this! I like this abstract! The pumkin stem is outstanding!(no pun intended) Great color, sharpness and texture. I like the cropping too. Great photographic pumkin abstract Z!
{K:16195} 9/27/2003
Hi Naty! I am very unhappy for your cad. Please you can believe me if I know, you can sure I never upload this photo. Forgive me please if I made sad you :(
Regards, Hayri.
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 9/27/2003
excellent shot/work
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 9/27/2003
Beautiful colurs and textures.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 9/27/2003
Ecco cosa hai cucinato ieri pomeriggio!!! ;))) Prima perň l'hai fotografato, brava! Le forme ed i colori sono bellissimi, potrebbe passare per un astratto (comunque potevi metterlo in Nature) e la foto mostra ancora, se ce ne fosse stato bisogno, che il tuo occhietto fotografico č sempre vigile. Ciao, buona serata. Max
PS: noto una punta polemica nell'about (ho visto anche l'immagine del link che mi hai mandato), ovviamente non sono d'accordo con quelli che criticano troppo le foto manipolate, ma tu non prendertela, č normale che ci siano tante opinioni, anche contrarie alle nostre, basta saperci convivere e dargli il giusto peso. L'importante č che tu continui con i tuoi bei lavori. Adesso basta sennň mi diventa una mail ;)))
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 9/27/2003
First prize goes to the pumpkin for a role in a non-pumpkin role. Well caught detail. Love the twirl and how it seems to continue on through the stem. Was the color change done through a hue shift?
Why not abstracts? If the shoe fits wear it.
{K:16195} 9/27/2003
Very interesting and great composition once again Naty. Regards, Hayri.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 9/27/2003
stupenda un lavoro perfetto... come sempre! roby
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 9/27/2003
Very beautiful and well done picture! My best regards! ALexey
{K:5996} 9/27/2003
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 9/27/2003
Don't know either, Naty. What I know thta this is a very good composition. All this movement, the colors, the crop, the angle. A blue pumpkin? I like it and probably Harlan will love it. Hugs, Marília
Liz Chaffin
{K:546} 9/27/2003
I love it, it has the same colors and texture as the panting Starry Night:)
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 9/27/2003
Bhe! Direi che e' proprio una bella zucca, molto ben relaizzata, il particolare dovrebbe comfermare la mia tesi. Belli i colori. Sai qui dalle mie parti vanno molto i tortelli di zucca, poi in questo periodo sono molto diffusi. Ciao
Ursula I Abresch
{K:6515} 9/27/2003
A swirly pumpkin in blue/green - beautiful! When will you let us know if it tasted good? Pictures, like cooking, can be "manipulated" none, a bit, or a lot, and all can be very good :) Ursula
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 9/27/2003
It is a good macro Naty with good lighting scale from the bright bottom right to the darker top left. Nice texture and enouph sharpness.