Craig Garland
{K:27077} 10/26/2003
Antonio; This is both excellent and beautiful. The colors a detail are great. It's pretty amazing how much detail you actually can capture underwater. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for commenting on and rating my landscape photo tonight. Cheers. Craig
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 10/21/2003
Sernsacional suas fotos submarinas! Adoro! Seu portfolio também não conhecia: é lindo! Depois vou olhar cada foto com calma! Por enquanto, fica o meu obrigada pelos comentários e os parabéns pelo seu maravilhoso trabalho! Abraço
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/9/2003
great colors, regards
Ahmad malki
{K:1205} 9/28/2003
nice job i like it
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 9/28/2003
lindíssimas cores! bela foto.
Lucas L
{K:12145} 9/28/2003
boas cores ... P.S. obrigado pela atenção.
Mostafa Abulezz
{K:4849} 9/27/2003
Wonderful composition and colors,Very nice done.. Regards Mostafa
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 9/27/2003
Hi Antonio! Another beautiful capture with excellent details and good colours!! I like the background as it is, I just wonder how this would look with a less tight cropping...? Anyway a beautiful capture!! Looks like there are beautiful diving places in Portugal. Maybe you can give me some recommendations for Portuguese diving places? For we are planning diving next year either in the Mediterranian Sea or Atlantic ocean. Would like to know which is the best time and the most interesting places; if you don't mind of course!!! And thank you very much for your kind comments on so many of my photos!! My best regards and have a nice time*** :)
Ursula I Abresch
{K:6515} 9/26/2003
The composition and the light are beautiful in this picture. I like the background detailed better than blurred, but I like the sharpened/more colour foreground of Steve Dunn's quick fix below.
xy x
{K:41915} 9/26/2003
Excellent like always, very beautiful sea capture, congratulations!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/26/2003
Excellent deep sea shot and expression!
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 9/25/2003
Nice colors and composition.
Steve Dunn
{K:789} 9/25/2003
nice work, never easy photographing underwater. I put it in PS and blured the background, sharpened the foreground and quick fix , what do you think?

Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 9/25/2003
Beautiful composition and lightning Antonio! My best regards, Diana.