Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 9/11/2003
I agree with most other comments. I'd love to see the real Telm included, may be just the feet if not all of her. Slightly calmer water, not mirror flat mind you, would have helped as well.
First Last
{K:6897} 9/11/2003
Ótima idéia! Gostei muito das cores e do efeito de distorção (natural, imagino) da água. Parabéns!
Bahadir k
{K:8825} 9/4/2003
original reflection work,maybe i d prefer seing Telma standing on the rock aswell with the reflection on the water, bahadir
Debra Griffin-Ibrahim
{K:7119} 9/4/2003
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 9/4/2003
I like that we can see the bottom of the pond. A touch less ripples might have been nice to see Telma a little clearer, but it is just a shift of the mood of the photo.
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 9/4/2003
Bonitas cores e reflexo!
Wayne Miller
{K:452} 9/4/2003
Cool reflection shot!
Edu Guedes
{K:3541} 9/4/2003
Bonito reflexo ! Parabéns !