Mari Mar
{K:11469} 9/21/2003
Maravillosa! bravo, Filipe!!!
Leonardo Bosnia
{K:4053} 9/10/2003
Splendida composizione e bellissima tonalità
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 9/3/2003
Ah yes, more musical magic! I can hear the sweet plucking, as warm and softly vibrant as your beautiful tones... Encore! ;-))
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 9/3/2003
hi Filipe ! So happy to meet you back ! Great !
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 9/2/2003
Apenas duas palavras....Magnífico Filipe. Um sorriso
Marzia Carrada
{K:3225} 9/2/2003
E' veramente bellissima!
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 9/2/2003
beautiful, excellent tones, great use of light
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 9/2/2003
very nice harpist portrait, wonderful warm tone and lighting, great texture; I like this very very much, it's like listening to a concerto, bravo! and if you don't want to spend yoour money for film... go digital! :)))) regards - marco
Mostafa Abulezz
{K:4849} 9/2/2003
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 9/1/2003
So very, very good... i can almost hear her music.. Thanks, and so great to see a picture from you again. ( Rob a bank if u have to, need to see those pics from Andanças) :-)))
Lisa Paully
{K:1735} 9/1/2003
amazing image
Miluxa Patricio
{K:6060} 9/1/2003
Muito boa foto. Parabéns!
Y. A .
{K:246} 9/1/2003

Y. A .
{K:246} 9/1/2003
That is greet indeed .
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 9/1/2003
Excellent shot Filipe...so beautiful
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 9/1/2003
Oi Flip, espero que suas andanças tenham rendido frutos tão bons quanto esta foto. Gosto demais dos tons aqui e do corpo dela todo concentrado fazendo música. Harmonia. Um abraço e bom te ver. Marília
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/1/2003
exquisite image-my favourite instrument!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 9/1/2003
excelente me gusta mucho
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 9/1/2003
Muito bonita esta foto, Filipe