The scanner will almost certainly lose some of the sharpness. If the prints are unsharp as well, try this. Stick a newspaper page onto a flat vertical surface, put your camera on a tripod, start shooting, and see whether the letters come out sharp. Try autofocus as well as manual. Try various apertures (biggest, smallest, and a few inbetween).
Regarding the magenta cast: on the orignal print, the wall indeed does have this cast, but looking at other objects in the pic, they are really white, so I guess that the wall itself had the cast. Regarding the sharpness... any idea how to test this?
Hi Elangs, It is good indeed to be back, been a bit too busy with work and stuff. Unofrtunately, I still did not receive my camera, got a refund, and ordered another one, which can be coming in any day now (although I look out of the window at least once a minut to look for a red post truck bringing it in). You can see that the picture is still taken with my good ol' EOS 3000. Concerning the light: yes, it was on-camera flash, my max speed with available light was 1/30 or 1/45, with flash I canget 1/90, my flash gun was lying in the stroller, in which the baby was sleeping, so no way of getting that one out. Regarding sharpness: I really need to investigate what can be the cause of this, since almost all of my pics seem to suffer from that. First check to see if it is the pics or the scanner...
Hey Matej, didn't notice it yesterday at home, but I do see the magenta cast here at work, will check this evening if it is thescan or the pic. And indeed, it is one of those open air museum villages, but the people there are not really actors or employees, they are real-life people sitting there the way there. As an example, my grandfather (who passed away 3 yrs ago) also looked kinda like this man, in fact, he would even make this man look hip and modern if you put them together :-)
I agree with Elangovan about the sharpness, or lack thereof. Another problem is that on my monitor at least, the whole photo appears to have a slight magenta cast. Does anybody else notice this?
It's an okay portrait and the surroundings add to it, but I'd find the effect stronger if he were turned more towards us.
Is this one of those museum villages complete with employees in costumes, or is this a "real" person?
Bjorn, Good to see you back. And glad you received your camera too.
Compositionaly very nice "Location Portrait". Wish it is little bit sharper. Have you used the built-in flash? Maybe, this type of images look great with bounced off flash or simply the available light (of course if you have enough available light).