Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 4/18/2008
Nice tatoo!!
yehia el alaily
{K:1251} 1/11/2007
nice lighting, great saturated pair of jeans, and the tatto is adding a lot
yehia www.marayah.com
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 2/18/2004
Impeccable detail and colour. The intense blue of the jeans and the ivory skin against the soft white backdrop are sensational. I browsed your complete portfolio and was duly impressed. Your photos are superb.
Marc Barsoum
{K:1487} 11/22/2003
I like it.
Just one comment, maybe just a touch of white empty space on the right of the model, in my opinion.
Great shot, however.
Kits mcfield
{K:28} 10/6/2003
The lighting is great!
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 9/3/2003
WOW! I love this too! Where have I been!
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 8/23/2003
I love it!!! Excellent pose :) I think your work is great because it's always so strong in form...great work :) d
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 8/23/2003
Stunning..... i love it!
me@ your.mother
{K:90} 8/23/2003
Nice saturated colors pair of jeans
Tamara L
{K:1387} 8/23/2003
Re to Tomo
Hvala :)
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 8/23/2003
svaka cast na izuzetnim radovima koje sam imao priliku vidjeti u tvom portfoliju... samo naprijed ;)
Namrata Chattaraj
{K:244} 8/23/2003
very beautiful colours and angle...Good stuff :)