Alison Webb
{K:1779} 11/23/2004
great capture,i also have some pictures of flames in my potfolio. i might add mine are only of a campfire, cheers Alison.
Kelly Cooper
{K:222} 8/25/2003
The two of you saw something I did not see. COOL!
^j^ .
{K:8554} 8/25/2003
It's not a man darling... It's the Evil himself !!!

lisa .
{K:9370} 8/25/2003
why has nobody mentioned the mans face in the bottom half of the window?? he has a long beard and looks like he's a bit annoyed, can anyone else see it?
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 8/19/2003
Not 100% in focus, but very good shot!!!
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 8/19/2003
Very interesting composition!!!
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 8/19/2003
The window of the horror, of the terror and fury of who it is stronger than we.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 8/19/2003
Unusal shot. Its not everyday that you see fire like this out of our windows. Intresting. I think the windows are bit over exposed. Perhaps you could try to reduce the exposure in PS.
Katherine Hagen
{K:2359} 8/19/2003
Kelly: Very disturbing photo especially when no information is provided by the photographer. If I was going to critique the presentation rather than the image it would be that the fire fills too much of the window, would be better if only part of it was on fire. The window edges seem a little fuzzy and the black line at the bottom is puzzling...perhaps you could clone it out. What is the black "thing" in the window? A good attempt but would be better if the viewer knew what the "message" was. k
Erhan Astam
{K:333} 8/19/2003
Gulp! A giant eye of fire is closing to the window. Very impressive. Im hit by this one. The word "window" will strike me from now on. very good job. congrats.
PS: and looking forward to see more fire related pictures. am I going slightly mad now? :-)