Thank you Kim. My dog is like yours. Although he is starting to 'pose' for me, it doesn't last very long, especially if we are outdoors! He is a hunter. I will try using the flash next time. Have a good day.
A cute photo.. I've seen my goldens trying out the same thing... I like the light on the face, making the eye glow, but some light on the other side would be really great... either by using a flash to fill in the shadows, or by bouncing the light back. Now, I know I can tell you this, but when it comes to the time to take your dog's photo it can all go out the window, as your dog, if it's anything like mine, will not hold still while I adjust lights and hold up reflector board! But, if at all possible, keep those in mind! I really like the framing here, as it keeps your dog and the water bottle as the central focus.