Tak tady je to uz jednodussi. Asi se casem dostaneme k zakladnim stavebnim prvkum. Jedna barva, -potlacene- linie a prace s ostrosti. Dobre. Asi jsi konstruktivisticky typ, samozrejme, neber to slovo hanebne. Ja jsem spontanni typ, pri fotografovani -blbnu-. A cekam, co to blaznovstvi prinese. Libi se mi to tak. Ty mas zamer, ja ne. Ale zpusob, jak kdo dela, nerozhoduje o kvalite.To blbnuti mi prinasi poteseni, ale jsem na pokraji propasti, jako ten blazen na tarotovych kartach. Potrebuji se ukaznit - a tvoje fotografie mohou byt tim, co potrebuji. Tak, diky.
It looks to me like you found a wonderful patchwork of light and shades of green, but its greatly lacking dof. A scenic like this should be in sharp focus from front to back so we can appreciate the interplay of color and light patterns. I am making the assumption that the pattern is the intention of the image. With the equipment you are using, a tripod, a polarizer, and stop down as much as possible - you should be able to get a fantastic shot of this.