Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 12/11/2018
Most photograhers have gone to facebook and apps on mobile phone : Good to see you Ray Best wishes Harry
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 12/11/2018
The color purple gives it a magical touch Best wishes, Harry
mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 11/10/2018
Hello Ray,thanks for your visits and pleasant comments, I enjoy looking at your artful and creative work too!, gretings, mariza
mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 11/10/2018
thank you so much for your visits and so kind comments! I love your artful creations! greetings, Mariza
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 11/9/2018
,. stunning hue ,. congrats mariza, best wishes, art,.,.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 11/4/2018
There are some truly beautiful images throughout your posts and this one deserved the award given. An excellent choice of perspective. Maybe you can tell me the answer to this.....I have recently returned to what was once called Usefilm for the 4th time and I have seen anything from just under 1000 up to almost 3000 photographers on line but it seems that only about 12 or so post on a regular basis. What has happened to this once thrive photography site, any ideas Mariza?
mariza lementowski
{K:4584} 10/31/2018
Thank you ALL for this very special award! Mariza
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 9/19/2018
Beautiful dream-like sunset. Interesting color to frame the "golden glow."
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 9/16/2018
Wonderful, Mariza. Congratulations,