rich jones
{K:426} 7/18/2003
I looked at this photo because i noticed the suprising ratings, as many high quality images on this site get nothing, my conclusion: while the photographer has a very good eye what to take and maybe when, the subject offers good perspective, the result is quite average, there is noting spectactular about the colors, there really is no DOF to speak off which would have really enhanced the image. It turns out it is just an average photo in a spectactular location. I guess setting paticularly natural settings turn people on -regardless of "image quality" and this stands out as such. Note: I'd like to see some debate on this but having been on usephoto for about a month it seems images once reviewed the 1st day are forgotten and there are very few critiques at that.
Samvise Gamgee
{K:1999} 7/17/2003
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 7/17/2003
Nice job!Congrats!
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 7/17/2003
excellent capture.Composition,Landscape, Bob regards
Bob Whorton
{K:2740} 7/17/2003
Bali is a photographers paradise
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/17/2003
Beautiful tone, beautiful clartiy and certainly beautiful composition, fine work, I want to go there..
Elizabeth Miller
{K:2766} 7/17/2003
Bob, I like this one a lot. The blue of the water is fantastic! I think I'm drawn to blue. I also like the vertical crop. Picture postcard perfect..Well done.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 7/17/2003
Hi Bob,i see you're posting this one again.Itz a great one,the cam angle is perfect and the blue tones and the composition are both impressive.My best regards,HakaN.
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 7/17/2003
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 7/17/2003
Beautiful capture, good play of shadow and light! Anna
Maria Sousa
{K:1456} 7/17/2003
Muito bonita..boas cores
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 7/17/2003
This is a really nice photo in all respects. I like the repeating rocks/shadows that jut out onto the beach, and the pristine character of this view. Nice scenic, and well titled.
Carla Pires
{K:10713} 7/17/2003
So nice...Love this colors contrast. excellent sky, excellent sea. everything is just...perfect! A good One! Regards! ;)