MEmar ME
{K:12566} 9/1/2003
Hi Jonh: Everything is ok, texture, tone, light and the view. Congratulations. A smile.
carlos marques
{K:1422} 9/1/2003
i went to see the review you sugested. calendar girls. you are right. it seams a very interestind aprouch to the subject in case.
ps. i'm aware of your photos for some time. i hardly make comments just because i do not know what to say.
Benedetto Riba
{K:15792} 9/1/2003
Hi John, great work!!! excellent shot!!! Thanks for your gentleness. A dear regard
Andreas Wolkerstorfer
{K:5090} 8/29/2003
this photo can be read as symbol ...
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 8/26/2003
Photograph of good chance. nice composition
^j^ .
{K:8554} 8/21/2003
With a few tables and chairs on the pier, and people having a drink, it would look quite like a cool place i've been not so long ago... Makes me happy !!!
Dave M
{K:9043} 7/16/2003
Very well seen, as always, John. We need to go shooting together one day. My only nit, and it is a minor one as it could have been an aesthetic choice on your part, is that the highlights are just a tad overexposed. Nonetheless, at atmopspheric shot. Well done.
Lukasz Gladki
{K:1101} 7/15/2003
j w
{K:12641} 7/15/2003
Ah, didn't think you could get a more beautiful white than those clouds till I saw that awning -- gorgeous. I also really like the dock, and the way the whole scene is cobbled together with your usual flair. Very rich!
Funny to see Lukasz asking about the Bessa, it would suit his work very well.
Lukasz Gladki
{K:1101} 7/15/2003
not easy shot, but in my opinion the result is very good..nice texture of dark wet wooden "stage"..contrary to very light roof in background..
PS. I'm really interesed in bessa camera..do you know John where I can read more about it?