And a third great shot! How sad to hear they lost, after all that ... I personally don't mind the blur of his legs, etc., since it shows motion. Hope to see more of these! :)
Becky, thanks for your comments. As to shutter speed and apature, on my D1X digital camera the highest ISO is 800 but it has a "boost" to give you ISO 1600 and a second boost to give ISO 3200. The higher you go the more noise you get in the image. It is a tradeoff. I shot this with a 1 boost (ISO 1600). The apature is wide open f2.8 and the shutter speed was 1/250th. And I am above the plexiglass shooting from the middle of the arena so there is no glass in the way. It is dark by most standards. I have shot many times in the arena with shorter lenses and through the plexi, so this was an adventure to shoot above the glass. It was only with a long big glass lens that made it possible. Thanks, for you comments. And those flowers, you show real promise.
First, let me preface my comments by saying I've tried to take photos at a hockey game and almost went insane doing so. The game is so much faster than I am! Anyway, I understand the difficulty in getting good action shots.
Compositionally, this is my favourite shot out of the series of three. I liked the "He Saves" shot too, but felt the other player had skated too far into the frame which detracted from your subject. Unfortunately, this photo is the softest out of the three you've posted. I'm assuming it's due to such a small aperture, but I think you could have used a quicker shutter speed as well, as you can see the "motion trail" of the puck.
But how does one compensate for the need of a quick shutter speed in a poorly lit arena without reducing aperture size? I have no idea! Getting into a plexiglassless arena and using a strong flash? Perhaps others will have suggestions . . .
Thanks for your comments on my floral pic. I'll put your suggestions to good use the next time I set up my faux studio. :-)