Mark Alberhasky
{K:181} 1/31/2004
Roger, You certainly have the eye. After viewing your portfolio I sense a kindred passion for the sky, clouds and light. We are fortunate you live in an area filled with this splendor. This is one of my favorite landscapes. A perfect balance of objective and subjective which creates mystique. Wonderful. All the best, Mark
{K:30945} 7/13/2003
This is a great work and colors with G3. !Excellent!!!Into my favorites!
Jimmye Brizendine
{K:888} 7/3/2003
Wonderful colors and reflections. Good catch!
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 7/3/2003
wow. --: )
Alan Sislen
{K:649} 7/3/2003
Roger, amazing image! Great composition and framing,
Rajkumar Dutta
{K:1548} 7/2/2003
great composition
Judy Fontenot
{K:524} 7/2/2003
This is the one , Yes it is ! Beautiful !
Fabio Cerati
{K:2068} 7/2/2003
MAGNIFICENT IMAGE!!! excellent exposure of the light and great, great DOF. Congratulations.
Richard Montgomery
{K:1936} 7/2/2003
Very nicely done Roger! I especially love the foreground.
Deleted User
{K:4318} 7/2/2003
Very G O O D shot
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 7/2/2003
Beautiful work Roger, very interesting colours and light. Some form of plains by the beach? Looks like you've taken it from on the water. Definitely an artistic vision.
Bob Whorton
{K:2740} 7/2/2003
Whatever you did I like it!
Alice Ewing
{K:2418} 7/2/2003
Beautiful light, clouds, and reflections! This is from Byron Bay in Australia? Only thing to improve would be a sharper focus. Well done! Cheers from Australia, Alice.
Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 7/2/2003
Very stunning, from one G3 owner to another. I'm curious if you enhanced the image with p.s.?