John Jackson
{K:1738} 7/2/2003
Just checked your portfolio. It is great the way in which you capture the eyes of your subject (models). In this one the clear, clean tones of the skin is special. And congraulations to Ms J for her pose.
Priyadarshi Sinha
{K:7238} 6/30/2003
good portrait, nice work!!!
Michael W.
{K:842} 6/30/2003
Very Lovely Model, very nice pose. Well done. Hope there is more of her.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 6/30/2003
Nossa é a morena que eu pedi a Deus bro.......
Fabio Cerati
{K:2068} 6/30/2003
Great pose and look, great light and tone of skin color.
JL Photography
{K:288} 6/30/2003
Beautiful portrait; wonderful model. A hard turn to the neck creats the skinfolds, but hey, that's called being human. Great stuff.
Shai Ritblatt
{K:3755} 6/30/2003
good portrait, well composed.