My best abstract ever ,it represents a volums of talk in my heart and soul ,everytime I look at it , I discover something knew , I have kept on my hard for three years , now I am sharing it for the first time with my friends here on Usefilm ,it is the greatest stupidity of human species of defining white with black ,good with bad ,God by evil , and the truth with fiction .
Thank you McCaffrey,appreciated. I agree with you about the artist ,but even here only half of the truth is shown ,in fact the artist is not defining but criticizing,but I can't wait to show the whole picture ,it is very difficult for my ability to show the whole picture ,the whole picture is exactly the opposite of this ,and upon your input I will edit the image and give a sequence of 1,may be when day I stress and gather my abilities to its limit , I would post the other half . my best regards.
it is possible the graffiti artist is a genius, he/she got your attention for all the reasons in your about, so glad you shared, congraulations on your best photograph, well worth keeping, best regards, art :)