Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/24/2015
thank you Harry.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/24/2015
Very good pov over the city and the people on the image help a lot to create depth in the photo.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/18/2015
Paul, thank you sop much, best regards, Nanda
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 1/18/2015
Very lovely shot with a good composition and lighting. Great details and sharp focus. Nicely done under low lighting. Well done my friend.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Jan, thank you so much. best regards, Nanda
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 1/15/2015
A very nice moment and diagonal composition. Very well done Jan
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Hvala puno Gorane, ovoj iznad Bascarsije u Sarajevu, odavde se vidi sve do Ilidze kada je vedro i cisto. pozdrav :)
goran kulezic
{K:6787} 1/15/2015
Great shot Nanda. Ovo je odličan vidikovac. Dobra postavka. Svidja mi se tvoj stil... Pozdrav.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Marcos, thank you so much. best regards
Marcos R Fernandes
{K:3630} 1/15/2015
Fotografia espetacular, muito bem executada, cores, captura e composição estão perfeitas, cumprimentos pelo belíssimo trabalho fotográfico Nanda Baba das.7+++
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Arijit, thank yoo so much. regards
{K:4387} 1/15/2015
Excellently presented silhouette image. I like it so much.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
The sensor is clean, but on the UV filter were two droplets of water. thanks again. regards
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Jose, thank you so much my dear friend. best regards, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Hearty thank you my dear Srna. Warm hugs, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Paul, thank you so much. best regards, Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/15/2015
Salvador, thank you so much. best regards, Nanda
a. Scarabeo
{K:16333} 1/15/2015
The main reason why I changed to a long range 28-300 objective instead of 4 different ones, was the dust in sensor almost by every outing in particular in the tropics. Anyway a nice work Nanda. Best regards.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 1/15/2015
Excellently executed my dear Nandaji ... so perfectly done, bravo ... and yes, I have to clean my sensor, too ... thought I m the only one with this "problem" ... lol Warm hugs, Srna
Paul Freeman
{K:35606} 1/15/2015
Looks like you have dust on your sensor Nanda (two dark spots top left). It's a problem with high quality digital cameras. I had mine cleaned today Regards
Salvador María Lozada
{K:69375} 1/15/2015
Great silhuettes, Nanda Excllent image. Congrats. Be well,