Stuart Boyle
{K:1505} 6/29/2003
Great capture from what I think is one of your best models. Keep them coming my friend...and more of Reg Y...good work.
deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 6/27/2003
fantastic portrait. excellent contrast, great light, good crop, wonderful expression, handsome boy. what else one can want. --: )
Andrew Caldwell
{K:18307} 6/27/2003
A fascinating portrait: a majority of his face hides in shadow, yet due to your skillful lighting and exposure control, its still visible. This stark contrast with the lighted side of his face increases the intensity of his expression. Wonderful work.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/27/2003
gosto muito desta foto ...a luz é complicada mas os olhos parecem-me carregados de ternura ...aparecent ser um jovem calmo..pelo menos nesta foto ...adorei ...um pouco mais de definição seria também agradável ...mas essa já não está nada má. um abraço !
Ben Rasmussen
{K:2130} 6/27/2003
great shot. a very intimate shot and the lighting on his face is excelent. it is a little softly focusses, but i think that works well with the portriat. excelent work. if you have time, please check out some of my portriats and tell me what you think. thanx ben
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 6/27/2003
Great portrait and lighting..
Tamar Matsafi
{K:875} 6/27/2003
i like the light and the expression
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 6/27/2003
OK Reynaldo, now we are talking. I'm so glad to see that you are improving fast. I like this crop very much. Bit of focus on the face, but a nice portrait. Melhorando a cada dia, Reynaldo. Retroto forte que já demosntra a personalidade do retrato. Interessante luz lateral. Falta apenas um pouco mais de foco no rosto. Estou gostando. Em tempo: os limites para comentários acabaram. Podemos comentar à vontade.