Noah Pope
{K:46} 7/5/2010
really good stuff
Jan van Schaaik
{K:125} 8/3/2003
I like the softness and the warmth at the same time of a colourful picture. Regards: Jan
Jytte Kristensen
{K:446} 6/29/2003
this is just wonderfull, great colours and texture, I love these natural abstracts
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 6/27/2003
hello Fabio this is a beautyful abstract though you didnt crop in the "right"pace that is in the horisontal uper close to the"..."dont know the name in english.... for once you comment a photo of mine in a way i agree with you but still ask why you call them sad or melancoly? are they? i lol a lot too.....lets make the essay i like the idea, but i dont have much to add about the photos, except much music , religious one and much Wagner too, ah many hours watching real paintings, from Fra Anglico to M.Rothko, ha and Pina Bausch and Tai-Chi.these are my secrets.
Terry Irwin
{K:979} 6/25/2003
A very beautiful wash of colors! I like the break in the image with the lines near the top. Good composition. Its like a poem...with out words. You see great beauty! Cheers!
j w
{K:12641} 6/24/2003
Lovely textures and colors, Fabio -- and I like the crop as it is, because it seems absolutely perfect to me. Because of the shapes implied in the stone, I think I would call this "sustenance."
very Da Vinci like, and a wonderful capture on your part!
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 6/24/2003
Beautiful, I can see all sorts of things in the details. I won't say what they are, just in case, no one else can see them!
John Chiu
{K:6250} 6/24/2003
Very nice saturated rusty colour. Good eyes.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 6/24/2003
great detail
julio vagrant
{K:694} 6/24/2003
great texture, stone
samson samson
{K:999} 6/24/2003
i like it better with the top horizontal lines cropped out, but thats just me. good job
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 6/24/2003
Another day another wonderful texture. Keep them coming Fabio.
I would like to see the ledge at the top horizontal, also, it feels a bit too saturated compared to your usual style. May just be the sandstone though.