Lucas L
{K:12145} 2/14/2014
hello again Randy....it was just a question of preservation of my model ... like this if you know her may be you think it could be her...but if you know her in her enviroment that you sure....lol...and i want to avoid that...ehehehe
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 2/12/2014
I will add on a more serious note. I can see some background distortion or blur helping out on occasion. I have stuck to the basics too much using levels, contrast and color controls to clean and modify my images. I learned something new today. Thanks.
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 2/12/2014
....and you think that some of us would have noticed the original background? My PS is from the 1960's and doesn't have liquify. ....but I can ripple and spherize. :)
Lucas L
{K:12145} 2/12/2014
thanks so much Randy....the background was done using a tool from photoshop called "liquify" ...i like the visual efects that we can do with it...and it was important to make disapear the original background of this photo ;)
Lucas L
{K:12145} 2/12/2014
thanks so much Jerry....this are probably my all time favorite jeans... I have my reasons ;) !!!
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 2/9/2014
Very nice lines. Aside from the well positioned focal choice, the golden blur of the background is a great contribution to the image. I don't have a clue how you did that, but it's very well done.
Jerry Thompkins
{K:3574} 2/1/2014
Must agree with you. Never too many of pairs like these.