basant mohamed
{K:816} 11/26/2008
i love it
Judy Kessler
{K:6316} 6/27/2003
Wonderful colors and view... well done kind sir!
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 6/27/2003
Excellent and beautiful shot! Regards, Joksa.
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 6/27/2003
WOW! great colors...
Tamar Matsafi
{K:875} 6/25/2003
Luigi Scuderi
{K:4407} 6/25/2003
composition: very simple and based on colours and shapes, the horizon line works this way lighting: great colours and tones originality/emotional appeal: there's not a particularly personal style, but there's still a good choice of timing and the image has strong impact itself ciao, Luigi
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 6/24/2003
So beautiful, it looks so peaceful. Great colors. Don
Adriana Najar Smith
{K:909} 6/24/2003
Bellisima imagen! preciosos colores y perspectiva
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 6/24/2003
A splendid image with pleasing tones...Anna
Steve Snyder
{K:96} 6/24/2003
Nice capture
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/24/2003
Magnifici colori!....Gran senso di quiete! Bravissimo! Ciao donato
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 6/24/2003
Bellissima composizione e complimenti per la scelta delle tonalità di colore.
Ordilei Caldeira
{K:2545} 6/24/2003
Cores maravilhosas, composição belíssima. É uma foto harmônica. Parabéns
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 6/24/2003
Lindissima foto, abraço.
Shelly N Alexander
{K:1451} 6/24/2003
Nicely done. Well done indeed. Great color and lovely tones.
Wilson Junior
{K:2092} 6/24/2003
Perfeita meu caro, um belíssimo trabalho. Abraços.
Massimiliano R.
{K:2516} 6/24/2003
Very nice composition, colors, silhouette and atmosphere ... congrats
Libero Api
{K:12174} 6/24/2003
Magnific atmosphere, congrats Mau, ciao!
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 6/24/2003
Excellent mood compocition, wonderful coloring and contrast. Regards Kaj nielsen
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 6/24/2003
wonderful moment and a excelent shot! Congrats!
enrico k. bona
{K:1002} 6/24/2003
maurilio, ricordati che quando vengo nel sud del brasile mi devi portare a vedere tutti questi posti. in moto!
Valter de Castro
{K:4079} 10/5/2003
Maravilha Dr.abraços..valter
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 6/24/2003
Great image!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/24/2003
vim fazer uma visita rápida e primeira foto...esta beleza de meu amigo Maurilio! grande abraço caríssimo!
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 6/24/2003
Silence, indeed, Maurilio. Even the water is quiet. Uma poesia feita de silêncios. Marilia