City - Loch Cul Dromannan State - INVERPOLLY Country - United Kingdom
Loch Cul Dromannan, Inverpolly, Scotland
I had already had one of the most stunning days of photography for a long long time at Inverpolly even though the day hadn't started out with a great deal of promise, but having packed up and started on my way home I suddenly came across a rare high quality reflection on little Loch Cul Dromannan. I duly stopped and witnessed a breathtakingly beautiful colour gradient from blue through to belt of Venus magenta and then to cap it all there was the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the same spectacular sky, reflected.
Pentax 67II, 45mm lens, 0.3ND hard grad inverted and aligned with loch horizon + 0.6ND reverse hard grad aligned with loch horizon, f/4 at 15 seconds, shot wide open to lessen movement of moon and planets during exposure. Fuji Velvia.
Your hardwork has paid.. That light purple hanging above the hills is the life of this image.. And yes the gradient from light purple to blue.. Very well composed..