City - Storr State - SKYE / SCOTLAND Country - United Kingdom
Storr, Skye, Scotland
Pine plantations are not the prettiest of places and some of them are so dense that literally nothing grows in their acid soil base. Such was the case with this one but never-the-less the glow of filtered light was quite compelling as were the regimented shapes of the vertical trunks looking down a path betwixt them. Whilst the original chestnut glow was quite satisfactory I decided that their surreal appearance demanded a change of hue so used a tungsten filter then smeared a thin film of vaseline horizontally across a damaged one stop soft grad. The result pleases me very much and at last makes these places eerie and compelling to view.
NEW!! Photographic workshops and masterclasses and fine art cards are now available at TRANSIENT LIGHT Pentax 67 II ,90-180 zoom, Fujichrome Velvia, 0.3ND soft grad smeared horizontally with vaseline and an 80A tungsten filter, f/22 at 1 minute
Thank you very much everyone these type of creative shots won't be to everyones taste but I think it is worth a shot and it is quite nice to achieve it in camera rather than do it afterwards with a PS filter. The lack of fine control in camera some how makes it more interesting and less predictable.