Marc Robin
{K:3385} 5/16/2002
Hi arjan, i think I like the last one the best. The green from the trees is not too overpowering and doesn't draw away from the lamp and flowers, to me anyway. But, whatever you think is nicest you should do! :-) But personally the colours add a bit more interest to the picture. Good luck! Marc
Arjan van Leeuwen
{K:153} 5/16/2002
The previous version was completely desaturated except for the lamp, the leaves and the flowers of course. This is the same crop as the one just posted, but with improved contrast and saturation. Do you think I should try desaturating again, or leave the colors in there? The original reason for desaturating it was that I thought the image was a little too busy.
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 5/15/2002
Hi Arjan, your new crop is much better! to my unexpert eye, the red in the ground complements the flowers...where was that red in the previous edit? had it been desaturated? The left wall is nicer too...Somehow I'm just more drawn to the flower and especially the lamp in this one. nice improvement, imo. oh...new crop could use a bit more contrast though, i think :-) It's getting there! Marc
Arjan van Leeuwen
{K:153} 5/15/2002
Hi Marc,
Thanks for your comments. Of course you don't sound harsh :). I can only edit what I have, as I can't go back to the place at this moment. This is a different crop - I didn't yet have time to do a full re-editing. What do you think about this crop? Thanks again.
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 5/15/2002
Hi Arjan, I agree the flowers and lamp are interesting...but to me the photo seems a bit too busy. the wall on the right attracts attention away from the subjects, and is not particularly interesting. Also, I find that the lamp is lost in the green leaves behind it. The floor in front of the flowers looks like it might be interesting. The colours are very nice though, if only they were more prominent in the picture. I hope my comment doesn't sound harsh! Cheers, Marc