van Oldebarnevelt May 8th 1947 Java kade Amsterdam.
Harry====================================== Note: following data as well as the photo at his page are supplied by Rueben Goossens, Maritime Historian, Author & Cruise'n'Ship Reviewer. Please visit his website featuring over 300 classic Liners, including the Johan van Oldebarnevelt.
Thanks for the info, Rueben ! Harry.
Rueben:==================================== For interest, these are the details of the voyage: This was officially the Netherlands Line voyage 4 (after the war) and she departed Amsterdam on May 8, arriving at Port Said on May 18 , and sailed through the Suez Canal the next day. She arrived at Sabang on June 1 and thereafter continued to Belawang, Palambang, Batavia, Soerabaja, Senarang, Batavia, Singapore, Colombo, Suez, Port Said arriving back in Amsterdam on July 12. She was under the command of Captain G. A. Man, and the ship was mostly filled with, as you know the military, and she returned with Dutch/Indonesian repatriates.
I just happened to have one image of the JVO ready to depart from the Java Kade on the very day ( May 8th 1947) your Father was boarded on her.
Harry:====================================== This means Rueben and my dad were at the same Java kade in Amsterdam at May 8th 1947 !! How remarkable. Look at the men posing in front of the ship. You will see them as well on the photo my dad made the very same day.