City - Salmon Creek State - WASH Country - United States
The upper part of Salmon Creek winds threw the farmers field. There are no trees around the creek. The serpintine twisting of the creek makes good fishing holes. But the creekis closed ot fishing because the State planted steelhead and salmon in the creek. but there are no salmon or steelhead in these waters.
When I was a kid my parents knew the people that owned that property and they would let me fish anywhere. Most of fish were 12 rainbows with some brookies. Now the stream is closed. Below they divert the water to Duck Lake or some goes down Salmon Creek to the mouth at Okanogan River. They are trying to restore the stream for steelhead and salmon. Don't think there are any browns in there but could be. A smaller stream Johnson Creek does have some hefty browns in it but most of it is on private property.
Looks like a beautiful spot Ernie - reminds me a lot of some of the brown trout streams we have in the foothills around here. Lots of undercut banks and log jams and an awful lot of fun to wander for the day with a rod! Nice shot. Kerry