We got these really colourful coffee coasters as a gift and I want to try to make a great picture to hang in the kitchen. I know that this is not quite there... what can I do to make this great? (For final picture I will be using slide film... probably Astia.)
Kim, I came across this picture, from the random photos on the left colomn... I love the abstract colors here, the great eye, can find the beauty in the day to day things we see.... very good graphic shot
I don't think this is bad, it's nice! The only thing I can complain about is the white shape on the right. Can you freely position the coasters around ? If you can, you may intentionally give them a specific order. Or maybe you have other colours as well ? If you want the image to vibrate, you could place complementary colours next to each other. These are e.g. yellow-violet, red-green, blue orange. To bring out texture you could use a light coming from the side about at the height of the subjects, so that the light streaks right over them. You could also pay attention to get the names like "cappucino" entirely on the photo. Finally, I think the composition is not bad. It's kind of divided in left and right by the yellow/orange and red triangles. Maybe you can post your progress ?