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 By: Gabriella  M.  
  Copyright ©2010

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Photographer Gabriella  M.  Gabriella  M. {Karma:33863}
Project #67 Emotion Camera Model samsung m 310
Categories Alternative Process
Film Format digital
Portfolio Lens in built
Uploaded 3/5/2010 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 445 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 35 Rating
/ 13 Ratings
Location City -  bucharest
State - 
Country - Romania   Romania
About The one who does not understand a look, will not understand a long explanation either.
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Invitation to dream

half portrait





philosophale egg

mental picture

passing noiselessly...

There are 35 Comments in 1 Pages
Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/7/2010
wonderfull comment, Aziz, thanks..


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/7/2010
I really appreciate your comment, dear Gregory.


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 3/7/2010
"The one who does not understand a look, will not understand a long explanation either."
One knock is enough, if there is someone in the home .
GREAT , ..


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 3/6/2010
Beautiful presence.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/6/2010
hugs, G.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 3/6/2010
"the gesture and body expression tell 90%, words only add 10%"

you are clever


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/6/2010
manny, manny thanks,Shirley, for this wondefull comment
hugs, G.


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 3/6/2010
Love this beautiful ghostly and mysterious work, Gabriella.:)


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/6/2010
I am agreement..
Very grateful for your nice comment.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/6/2010
I am extremely grateful for your eloquent comment.
Thanks a lot, dear Barbara


K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne K r i s h n e n d u  - The NoOne   {K:12059} 3/6/2010
good job.
loved the effect and the about :)
I think this shot is more apt in "personal style" project as this is completly your style :)


Barbara Kite Barbara Kite   {K:6977} 3/6/2010
spectacular emotion, great portrait, like the expression,
it looks dreamy at the same time, I don't like to talk about people taking with there eyes, my cousin says she can read my eyes, and that is bad. like the texture, very creative, perfect job. 7


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Porque te gusta Aragón:"no hay luz sin sombra."

muchas, muchas gracias, querida amiga.


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 3/5/2010
De una delicadeza extrema. Las dos son buenísimas. la versión personal, va un paso más adelante, tanto conceptual como plasticamente. La emoción se desborda!


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
My Dear Vehbi: I thank you very much for your generous comment.
All the best,hugs,G.


vehbi dileksiz vehbi dileksiz   {K:37355} 3/5/2010
I love "more personal" version dear Gabriella.
It is empierce deeply the soul.
Perfect image.
Congrats. Hugs.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
mon cher ami , tu me fais heureuse avec votre commentaire intelligent et généreux....

mille baisers, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Muy agradecido, querida Turi.
Un fuerte abrazo,G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
ce surpriza ! este clar ca nu ai folosit google traductor.
aceste superbe versuri sint pentru mine un comentariu si un cadou minunat.....multumesc din suflet!
toate cele bune, Gabi


Turi cg Turi cg   {K:27715} 3/5/2010
una mirada.... preciosa!!!


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Muy, muy agradecido por tu comentario,Aditya
besos, G..


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Many thanks, Robert. I specially appreciate your kind comment.
All the best,


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Manny thanks, dear Ania. Very happy seeing that you like this pic.
Hugs, G.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 3/5/2010
'chipul meu nu_l vei putea / vedea niciodata tulburat ca o apa / tu cel care ma strigi din adancuri / si ma chemi in adancuri! '
nikhita danilov


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 3/5/2010
Yes some fine work in this one. Excellent composition.


François Frémont François Frémont   {K:5781} 3/5/2010
ce-mi place aici este sprancene ridicate care arata accentueaza profunzime. Bravo, prietenul meu. Eu îmbrăţişez.


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 3/5/2010
Pure truth in the "about" and the portrait fits well; great presentation of "eye-speech"; speech without words nor limits.
Very fine and beautiful work



Aditya Jeloka Aditya Jeloka   {K:3345} 3/5/2010
eres el mejor en este género, la percepción de pendientes y lo que es una entrega


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
manny thanks, dear Nanda
hugs, G.


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Grazie carissimo Armando.
I tuoi commenti mi fanno sempre grande piacere


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 3/5/2010
marvellous work dear gabriella.
All my best wishes


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
Thank you very very much for your unique words, Arian.
best wishes my dear friend.


Armando Giambolini Armando Giambolini   {K:17779} 3/5/2010
Ottima citazione sul tuo " about "

Un'altra fotografia che mi procura emozioni infinite.

Come nel quadro della Gioconda di Leonardo , c'è sempre qualcosa di enigmatico...

Mi piace.



arian berisha arian berisha   {K:13697} 3/5/2010
The one who does not understand a look, will not understand a long explanation either,,,THIS IS OUTSTANDING AND POWERFUL SAY,,,I simply love the power of emotional portrait try on getaway of that thin curtain, with so sadness in here eyes,,,10,,,


Gabriella  M. Gabriella  M.   {K:33863} 3/5/2010
And the more personal variant




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